SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
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1,493 lines
* File : request.c
* Package: Xprof
* Author : Aloke Gupta.
* (C) Copyright 1992, Aloke Gupta.
* Processing routines for the requests seen in the message stream.
* Functions:
* 1. process_request(FILE *fp, char *string, GlobalStats *globalstats)
* 2. print_request_stats(FILE *fp)
* 3. The routines to process each request seen. These have the format:
* Request(FILE *fp, request_index, current_time)
#include <stdio.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "profile.h"
MsgStats TotalRequestStats; /* Overall stats for all requests */
MsgStats RequestStats[MAXREQUESTS]; /* Detailed stats for each request */
static char in_string[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; /* Buffer to read a record into */
static char sbuf[132], sbuf1[132], sbuf2[132]; /* Temp. slots for sscanf*/
extern MsgType RequestType[];
extern int lookup_request();
static Xattributes attributes; /* Attributes of current message */
XprofGCvalues *create_gcval();
XprofGCvalues *get_gcval();
FontVal *create_fontval();
FontVal *get_fontval();
process_request(fp, string, gstats)
FILE *fp; /* Pointer to input stream */
char *string;
GlobalStats *gstats;
char request_name[80]; /* Name of the current request */
int request_index; /* Index in the data structures */
long bytes=0; /* number of bytes */
/* Initialize the data structures. */
if (TotalRequestStats.invoked == FALSE)
InitMsgStats(&TotalRequestStats, gstats->current_time,DETAILED,GRAIN1);
* Zero out the attributes structure. This is modified as a side effect by
* many of the action functions
bzero((char *) &attributes, sizeof(Xattributes));
sscanf(string, "%s %s",sbuf, request_name);
request_index = lookup_request(request_name);
/* Call the action for this request */
/* The action will fill the MsgStats for the request and also update
* the profile
bytes = RequestType[request_index].action(fp, request_index,
* Fill the data structure for the total of the requests. The size
* distribution is maintained for the total number of bytes received.
FillMsgStats(&TotalRequestStats, gstats->current_time, bytes, bytes);
gstats->request_bytes += bytes;
FILE *fp;
int i;
char *dashes = "---------------------------------------------------------------";
if (TotalRequestStats.invoked == FALSE)
* Print the details for all Requests together
PrintMsgStats(fp,&TotalRequestStats, "REQUESTS ");
* Brief table for the numbers and byte totals for the requests
fprintf(fp, "\t%s\n", dashes);
fprintf(fp,"%-25s", " REQUEST messages");
fprintf(fp,"%25s", "Total Bytes ");
fprintf(fp," %19s\n","Number ");
fprintf(fp, "\t%s\n", dashes);
for (i = 0; i < MAXREQUESTS; i++)
if (RequestStats[i].invoked == TRUE) {
fprintf(fp,"%-25s", RequestType[i].name);
fprintf(fp," %10ld bytes",RequestStats[i].total_bytes);
fprintf(fp," (%5.2f%%)", (float) 100 * RequestStats[i].total_bytes /
fprintf(fp," %10ld", RequestStats[i].number );
fprintf(fp," (%5.2f%%)", (float) 100 * RequestStats[i].number /
fprintf(fp, "\t%s\n", dashes);
fprintf(fp,"%25s"," Grand Total ");
fprintf(fp," %10ld bytes ", TotalRequestStats.total_bytes);
fprintf(fp," %10ld \n", TotalRequestStats.number);
fprintf(fp, "\t%s\n", dashes);
if (verboselevel > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < MAXREQUESTS; i++)
if (RequestStats[i].detailed == DETAILED)
PrintMsgStats(fp,&RequestStats[i], RequestType[i].name);
* Now dump the raw statistics for the messages
if (verboselevel > 1) {
if (TotalRequestStats.detailed == DETAILED)
PrintMsgDetails(fp,&TotalRequestStats, "REQUESTS ");
for (i = 0; i < MAXREQUESTS; i++)
if (RequestStats[i].detailed == DETAILED)
PrintMsgDetails(fp,&RequestStats[i], RequestType[i].name);
* OpenFont: Opcode 45
* Size: 0 (Irrelevant)
long OpenFont(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length;
long fontid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_fontid = FALSE, fd_name = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
FontVal *fontval;
int strlength;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_fontid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"font-id:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &fontid);
fd_fontid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_name==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"name:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s", sbuf1, sbuf2);
fd_name = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Create and fill the FontVal structure for this font
fontval = create_fontval(fontid);
strlength = strlen(sbuf2);
sbuf2[--strlength] = '\0';
fontval->fontname= malloc(strlen(sbuf2));
strcpy(fontval->fontname, sbuf2+1);
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = 0.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 0, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* OpenFont */
* CloseFont: Opcode 46
* Size: 0 (Irrelevant)
long CloseFont(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 2; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length;
long fontid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_fontid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_fontid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"font:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &fontid);
fd_fontid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
/* Clear out the font */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = 0.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 0, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* CloseFont */
* CreateGC: Opcode 55
* Size: 0 (Irrelevant)
long CreateGC(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval; /* pointer to a relevent graphics context */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 4; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, valmask=0;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_gcid = FALSE;
Boolean fd_valmask = FALSE, fd_vallist = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
gcval = create_gcval(0); /* Allocate gcval with gcid = 0 (reset below) */
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"graphic-context-id:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
gcval->id = gcid;
else if ((fd_valmask==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"value-mask:")!= 0)){
fd_valmask = TRUE; fd_all ++;
fill_gcmask(ptr, &valmask);
if (valmask == 0) {
fd_vallist = TRUE; fd_all ++; /* No values are to be set */
else if ((fd_vallist==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"value-list:")!= 0)){
fd_vallist = TRUE; fd_all ++;
* Now search for all the values that have been set
fill_gcval(fp, valmask, gcval);
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = 0.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 0, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* CreateGC */
* ChangeGC: Opcode 55
* Size: 0 (Irrelevant)
long ChangeGC(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval; /* pointer to a relevent graphics context */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 4; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, valmask=0;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_gcid = FALSE;
Boolean fd_valmask = FALSE, fd_vallist = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
gcval = get_gcval(gcid);
else if ((fd_valmask==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"value-mask:")!= 0)){
fd_valmask = TRUE; fd_all ++;
fill_gcmask(ptr, &valmask);
if (valmask == 0) {
fd_vallist = TRUE; fd_all ++; /* No values are to be set */
else if ((fd_vallist==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"value-list:")!= 0)){
fd_vallist = TRUE; fd_all ++;
* Now search for all the values that have been set
fill_gcval(fp, valmask, gcval);
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = 0.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 0, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* ChangeGC */
* CopyGC: Opcode 57
* Size: 0 (Irrelevant)
long CopyGC(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 4; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, valmask=0;
long src_gcid, dst_gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_srcgcid = FALSE;
Boolean fd_dstgcid = FALSE, fd_valmask = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_srcgcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"src-gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &src_gcid);
fd_srcgcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_dstgcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"dst-gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &dst_gcid);
fd_dstgcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_valmask==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"value-mask:")!= 0)){
fd_valmask = TRUE; fd_all ++;
fill_gcmask(ptr, &valmask);
} /* while */
copy_gcval(src_gcid, dst_gcid, valmask);
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = 0.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 0, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* CopyGC */
* FreeGC: Opcode 60
* Size: 0 (Irrelevant)
long FreeGC(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 2; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = 0.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 0, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* FreeGC */
* ClearArea: Opcode 61
* Size: Area of image (height * width).
long ClearArea(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, width, height;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_width = FALSE, fd_height = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_width==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"width:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &width);
fd_width = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_height==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"height:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &height);
fd_height = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.size = (float) height * width;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) height * width, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* ClearArea */
* CopyArea: Opcode 62
* Size: Area of image (height * width).
long CopyArea(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 4; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, width, height;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_width = FALSE, fd_height = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_width==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"width:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &width);
fd_width = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_height==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"height:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &height);
fd_height = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.size = (float) height * width;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) height * width, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* CopyArea */
* CopyPlane: Opcode 63
* Size: Area of the section to be copied.
long CopyPlane(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 4; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, width, height;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_width = FALSE, fd_height = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_width==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"width:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &width);
fd_width = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_height==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"height:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &height);
fd_height = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.size = (float) height * width;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) height * width, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* CopyPlane */
* PolyPoint: Opcode 64
* Size: Number of points.
long PolyPoint(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, numpoints;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_points = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
int i, x, y;
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_points==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"points:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s", sbuf1, sbuf2);
numpoints = atoi(&sbuf2[1]);/* The "points" field is base 10 !! */
fd_points = TRUE; fd_all ++;
for (i = 0; i < numpoints ;i++) { /* Read in each point */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &x); _LINE_NUM++; /* X */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &y); _LINE_NUM++; /* Y */
fscanf(fp, "%s", sbuf1); _LINE_NUM++; /* Junk */
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.size = (float) numpoints;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time, (long) numpoints, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PolyPoint */
* PolyLine: Opcode 66
* (Draw a connected line between the points listed).
* Size: The length of each line is registered.
long PolyLine(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, points;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_points = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int i, x, y, old_x = 0, old_y = 0;
double line_length;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_points==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"points:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s", sbuf1, sbuf2);
points = atoi(&sbuf2[1]); /* The "points" field is base 10 !! */
fd_points = TRUE; fd_all ++;
for (i = 0; i < points ;i++) { /* Read in each point */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &x); _LINE_NUM++; /* X1 */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &y); _LINE_NUM++; /* Y1 */
fscanf(fp, "%s", sbuf1) ; _LINE_NUM++; /* Junk */
if (i > 0 ) { /* It takes two to form a line */
line_length = sqrt( (double) ((old_x - x)*(old_x - x))
+ ((old_y - y)*(old_y - y)) );
/* Now fill the data structure for all except the bytes*/
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) line_length, (long) -1);
attributes.size = length;
attributes.bytes = -1;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
old_x = x; old_y = y;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
* Only the bytes are filled here
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.size = -1.0;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], (long) -1, (long) -1, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PolyLine */
* PolySegment: Opcode 66
* Size: The length of each segment is registered.
long PolySegment(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, segments;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_segments = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int i, x1, y1, x2, y2;
double seg_length;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_segments==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"segments:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s", sbuf1, sbuf2);
segments = atoi(&sbuf2[1]); /* The "segments" field is base 10 !! */
fd_segments = TRUE; fd_all ++;
for (i = 0; i < segments ;i++) { /* Read in each segment */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &x1); _LINE_NUM++; /* X1 */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &y1); _LINE_NUM++; /* Y1 */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &x2); _LINE_NUM++; /* X2 */
fscanf(fp, "%s %x", sbuf1, &y2); _LINE_NUM++; /* Y2 */
fscanf(fp, "%s", sbuf1); _LINE_NUM++; /* Junk */
/* Length of this segment ? */
seg_length = sqrt((double) ((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1))
+((y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1)));
/* Now fill the data structure for all values except the bytes*/
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) seg_length, (long) -1);
attributes.size = length;
attributes.bytes = -1;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
* Only the bytes are filled here
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.size = -1.0;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
update_profile(num, & attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], (long) -1, (long) -1, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PolySegment */
* PolyRectangle: Opcode 67
* Size: The perimeter of each rectangle is registered, i.e., 2*(width + height)
long PolyRectangle(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, rectangles;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_rectangles = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int i, x, y, width, height;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_rectangles==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"rectangles:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s", sbuf1, sbuf2);
rectangles = atoi(&sbuf2[1]);/*The "rectangles" field is base 10 !*/
fd_rectangles = TRUE; fd_all ++;
for (i = 0; i < rectangles ;i++) { /* Read in each rectangle */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&x); _LINE_NUM++; /* X */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&y); _LINE_NUM++; /* Y */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&width); _LINE_NUM++; /* width */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&height); _LINE_NUM++; /* height */
fscanf(fp, "%s", sbuf1); _LINE_NUM++; /* Junk */
/* Now fill the data structure for all values except the bytes*/
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) 2*(height+width), (long) -1);
attributes.bytes = -1;
attributes.size = 2 * (height + width);
update_profile(num, &attributes);
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
* Only the bytes are filled here
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = -1.0;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], (long) -1, (long) -1, bytes);
return (bytes);
* PolyFillRectangle: Opcode 70
* Size: The area of each rectangle is registered, i.e., (width * height)
long PolyFillRectangle(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, rectangles;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_rectangles = FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int i, x, y, width, height;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_rectangles==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"rectangles:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s", sbuf1, sbuf2);
rectangles = atoi(&sbuf2[1]);/*The "rectangles" field is base 10 !*/
fd_rectangles = TRUE; fd_all ++;
for (i = 0; i < rectangles ;i++) { /* Read in each rectangle */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&x); _LINE_NUM++; /* X */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&y); _LINE_NUM++; /* Y */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&width); _LINE_NUM++; /* width */
fscanf(fp,"%s %x", sbuf1,&height); _LINE_NUM++; /* height */
fscanf(fp, "%s", sbuf1); _LINE_NUM++; /* Junk */
/* Now fill the data structure for all values except the bytes*/
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) (height*width), (long) -1);
attributes.bytes = -1;
attributes.size = height * width;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
* Only the bytes are filled here
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = height * width;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(&RequestStats[num], (long) -1, (long) -1, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PolyFillRectangle */
* PutImage: Opcode 72
* Size: Area of image (in bytes) i.e. (height * width * depth) / 8
long PutImage(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 5; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, width, height, depth;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length=FALSE, fd_width=FALSE, fd_height=FALSE, fd_depth=FALSE;
Boolean fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Fetch records until all the slots are filled.
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_width==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"width:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &width);
fd_width = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_height==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"height:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &height);
fd_height = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_depth==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"depth:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &depth);
fd_depth = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = (float) (height * width * depth) / 8;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) (height * width * depth) / 8, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PutImage */
* GetImage: Opcode 73
* Size: Area of image i.e. (height * width)
long GetImage(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length, width, height;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_width = FALSE, fd_height = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_width==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"width:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &width);
fd_width = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_height==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"height:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %x", sbuf1, &height);
fd_height = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = (float) height * width;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) height * width, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* GetImage */
* PolyText8: Opcode 74
* Size: length of string
long PolyText8(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length; /* length and string are the two slots */
char *string;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_string = FALSE, fd_gcid=FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int strlength;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_string==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"text item 8 string:")!=0)){
string = ptr + 21;
strlength = strlen(string);
while ((string[strlength-1]=='\n')||(string[strlength-1]=='"')) {
string[strlength-1] = '\0';
strlength --;
fd_string = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = (float) strlength;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time, (long) strlength, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PolyText8 */
* PolyText16: Opcode 75
* Size: length of string
long PolyText16(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length; /* length and string are the two slots */
char *string;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_string = FALSE, fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int strlength;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_string==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"text item 16 string:")!=0)){
string = ptr + 22;
strlength = strlen(string);
while ((string[strlength-1]=='\n')||(string[strlength-1]=='"')) {
string[strlength-1] = '\0';
strlength --;
fd_string = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = (float) strlength;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time, (long) strlength, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* PolyText16 */
* ImageText8: Opcode 76
* Size: length of string
long ImageText8(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length; /* length and string are the two slots */
char *string;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_string = FALSE, fd_gcid=FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int strlength;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_string==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"string:")!= 0)){
string = ptr + 9;
strlength = strlen(string);
while ((string[strlength-1]=='\n')||(string[strlength-1]=='"')) {
string[strlength-1] = '\0';
strlength --;
fd_string = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = (float) strlength;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) strlength, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* ImageText8 */
* ImageText16: Opcode 77
* Size: length of string
long ImageText16(fp, num, current_time)
FILE *fp; /* Data stream */
int num; /* Number of the request */
long current_time; /* Current time in ms */
XprofGCvalues *gcval;
long bytes;
int max_slots = 3; /* Maximum number of data slots to fill */
int length; /* length and string are the two slots */
char *string;
long gcid;
Boolean fd_length = FALSE, fd_string = FALSE, fd_gcid = FALSE;
int fd_all=0; /* All found ? */
char *ptr;
int strlength;
if (RequestStats[num].invoked == FALSE)
* Get a record and fill all the slots
while (fd_all < max_slots) {
if (fgets(in_string,MAXSTRINGSIZE,fp) == NULL)
ptr = in_string;
while (isspace(*ptr)) ptr++; /* Remove leading white space */
if ((fd_length==FALSE) && (t_search(ptr,"request length:")!= 0)) {
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %x", sbuf1, sbuf2, &length);
fd_length = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_gcid==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"gc:")!= 0)){
sscanf(ptr,"%s %s %lx", sbuf1, sbuf2, &gcid);
fd_gcid = TRUE; fd_all ++;
else if ((fd_string==FALSE)&&(t_search(ptr,"string:")!= 0)){
string = ptr + 9;
strlength = strlen(string);
while ((string[strlength-1]=='\n')||(string[strlength-1]=='"')) {
string[strlength-1] = '\0';
strlength --;
fd_string = TRUE; fd_all ++;
} /* while */
* Fill the data Structure for this message
attributes.gcval = gcval;
bytes = length * 4;
attributes.bytes = bytes;
attributes.size = (float) strlength;
update_profile(num, &attributes);
FillMsgStats(& RequestStats[num], current_time,
(long) strlength, bytes);
return (bytes);
} /* ImageText16 */